Bethany Hubbard
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News Faculty News
by Liz Edwards and Kate Dohner In 2019, Jane Miller, LAB’77, established the Robert B. Uretz, PhD, Memorial Awards in…
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News Faculty News
Vineet Arora, MD, AM’03, Herbert T. Abelson Professor of Medicine, became the new Dean for Medical Education on July 1….
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Medicine on the Midway is published for alumni, friends, and faculty of the Division of the Biological Sciences, the Pritzker…
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
by Angela Wells O’Connor Doriane Miller, MD’83, is the new president of the University of Chicago Medical & Biological Sciences…
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Otis W. Brawley, SB'81, MD'85
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
A liberal arts college and a Cold War military experience shaped the life of Robert Porter, MD’60
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
by Kate Dohner Pilar Ortega, MD’06, is an emergency medicine physician and assistant professor at the University of Illinois at…
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News