stories with alumni tag
By Bethany Hubbard Campus News
This June, the MBSAA welcomed 150 new alumni from the Pritzker School of Medicine and the Division of the Biological…
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Sometimes alumni are surprised at who they see when they go to University of Chicago Medical & Biological Sciences Alumni…
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Jack Stockert, AB’05, MBA’10, MD’10, and Michael H. Silverman, MD’73, met in 2006 when Dr. Stockert first joined the Alumni…
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Pritzker Class of 1993 commemorates their 25th Reunion with special gift
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Christopher Mattson, MD'17
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Ruth Covell, MD'62
By Bethany Hubbard Alumni News
Pritzker couple marries careers as an army orthopaedic surgeon and an emergency medicine physician