The Alumni Council is the governing body of the University of Chicago Medical & Biological Sciences Alumni Association (UChicago MBSAA). Members of the Alumni Council contribute their varied expertise to improve programs for students and alumni, engage the medical and biological sciences alumni community around the country, and serve as active philanthropic leaders for the Pritzker School of Medicine and the Division of the Biological Sciences.
Executive Committee
Karyl Kopaskie, AB’07, PhD’14
Immediate Past President
Doriane Miller, MD’83
Vice President
Sapana Vora, PhD’14
Alumni Awards Committee Chair
Courtney Burrows, PhD’15, MBA’17
Chicago Partners Program Chair
Rajiv Jauhar, MD’91
Editorial Committee Chair
Jennifer “Piper” Below, PhD’11
Regional Programs Chair
Sydney Yoon, MD’86
The Alumni Council
Lampis Anagnostopoulos, SB’57, MD’61*
Shahriar Alikhani, MD’91
Allison August, MD’93
Margaret “Peggy” Barron, MD’78
Anita Blanchard, MD’90
Jillian Bowman, AB’20 +
Kenneth Bridbord, MD’69, MPH
Ava Ferguson Bryan, AM’10, MD’18 +
Arnold Calica, SM’61, MD’75*
Ruth Carlos, AB’89, MD’93
Gabrielle Edgerton, PhD’10
Arash Emami, MD’94
Katherine Given, AB’08, PhD’13, MBA’16, MD’16
Jeffrey Goodenbour, PhD’09
Stanton Greenstone +
Andrew Hack, AB’95, PhD’00, MD’02
Theresa He, MD’03
Suejin Kim, MD’04
Clifford Ko, AB’87, SM’89, MD’91
Peter McCauley, MD’86
Jennifer McPartland, PhD’08
Vincent Nelson, MD’98, MBA, MPH
Carol Olson, PhD’82, MD’86
Aneesha Sahu, PhD’19
Loren Schechter, MD’94
Coleman Seskind, AB’55, SB’56, MD’59, SM’59*
Puneet Singh, MD’11
Margaret Steiner +
Anne Taylor, MD’76
Cynthia Thaik, MD’90
Vishruth “Vish” Venkataraman +
Russ Zajtchuk, SB’60, MD’63*
* Denotes a Life Member
+ Denotes a student or resident representative
All members of the UChicago MBSAA are eligible for service on the Alumni Council and its Committees. Alumni Council members participate by:
- Making or maintaining their annual contribution of at least a leadership level gift ($1,000) * as determined by the Alumni Council;
- Attending at least two of the three meetings of the Alumni Council per year; one of these meetings may include the annual Alumni Senate Meeting;
- Volunteering for a Chicago Partners program such as Help Our Students Travel (HOST), Alumni Ambassador, or myCHOICE, that engages with or provides mentorship to Pritzker and BSD students;
- Attending events hosted by the UChicago MBSAA and UChicago Alumni Association, such as UChicago MBSAA regional events and Harper Lectures;
- Attending Alumni Weekend; and
- Serving on a Committee commensurate with her/his skills, experience, and interests.
* This amount may be adjusted for alumni who have graduated within the past 15 years.
Alumni Council nominations must be received by the annual deadline of December 31, but nominations are accepted throughout the year. Members of the Alumni Council’s Nominating Committee review the nominations at their spring meeting, and nominees are informed of the committee’s decision immediately following. The slate of nominees is elected by the Alumni Senate at their annual meeting in May. New members begin their three-year term on July 1.
The Nominating Committee seeks a robust and diverse pool of candidates for consideration. Self-nominations are accepted. Submit your nomination
The Alumni Senate is the ratifying body of the UChicago MBSAA and meets annually during Alumni Weekend. Important responsibilities of the Senate include the election of Alumni Council officers, ratification of Alumni members, and approval of UChicago MBSAA by-law amendments. The Senate is comprised of the members of the Alumni Council, Reunion Class Chairs, and past presidents of the UChicago MBSAA.